Have you ever sat down with a cup of tea, ready to turn on Netflix and unwind after putting your baby to sleep but wait… WHAT!? Surely that can’t be your little one grizzling in their cot *face palm*. False starts can be frustrating but are very common for little ones. The good news is there are many easy fixes you can implement to overcome this niggly sleep issue.
So, what is a false start?
A false start happens when a baby wakes up within 30-60 minutes of going to bed, or 10-20 minutes after falling asleep for a nap. The baby is usually upset and wants to go back to sleep, but needs help resettling.
Why can false starts be a problem?
Aside from the fact that it creates further intervention for the parent in resettling back to sleep, it actually interrupts what should be your babies most restorative period of sleep between 6pm and midnight where melatonin (our sleep hormone) is the highest for infants.
Trouble shooting false starts
Do you need to tweak your baby's sleep schedule?
We totally get it… finding the balance between an over and under tired baby at bedtime is like walking a tightrope, but making micro-changes to your routine to strike the right chord can make a big difference if you are experiencing false starts and here’s why;
- Overtired babies wake frequently overnight due to their cortisol levels being raised and subsequently releasing adrenaline. This triggers the flight or fight response which not only makes it hard for your baby to fall asleep, but also STAY asleep, hence the extra wake up.
- Undertired babies may be tired enough for a short nap, but not yet ready for a longer restorative night sleep. They haven’t built up enough sleep pressure which will cause them to wake earlier than anticipated, leading them to treat bedtime more like an extra nap.
Signs to look out for:
Overtired baby
- Escalated tired cues: you may have missed the early signs of tiredness, and now your baby is extremely grumpy, irritable and not coping with staying awake any longer.
- Longer than age appropriate wake windows: Babies can only feel their best up until a certain limit, and after this time may become grizzly or even show tantrums or distressed crying.
- Waking up grumpy and hard to resettle: Your baby may be so tired that they seem to be counterproductively working against themselves when you’re trying to help them go back to sleep.
Undertired baby
- No signs of tiredness before bed: your baby may still be bright eyed and engaged. Try giving them an extra 15-30 minutes until those tired signs appear.
- Shorter than age appropriate wake windows: Babies need adequate build up of sleep pressure in order to have a quality sleep. If they’re going to bed too early, you will be more likely to experience a false start.
- Treats bedtime as playtime & is happy, alert & playful: If your bedtime routine consists of giggles, playfulness and an unwillingness to wind-down, they might need to build up some more sleep pressure.
Age appropriate final wake windows
- 4-8 weeks: 40-75 minutes
- 8-12 weeks: 75-90 minutes
- 3-4 months: 1.5-2 hours
- 5-6 months: 2-2.5 hours
- 7-10 months: 3-3.5 hours
- 11-15 months: 3.5-4 hours
- 15 months - 2.5 years: 4.5-5.5 hours
Note: Depending on your baby's sleep needs and behaviour, you may tweak these guides by +/- 15-30 minutes.
Further troubleshooting false starts
Do they have a full tummy?
It’s not at all uncommon for babies to become drowsy or even fall asleep during their bedtime feed which may lead to a quick micro nap before you actually settle them to sleep in the cot or bassinet. A nap even as short as 5 minutes can reduce that important sleep pressure that you want to build up for bedtime and interrupt the ease of falling to sleep and staying asleep. It can also lead to your little one finishing their feed before they’ve actually filled their tummy to support a long restful stretch of sleep.
By moving their final milk feed to earlier in their bedtime routine when they are more alert you can help mitigate this common cause for false starts. Try offering the final feed with the lights on and try engaging them with chatter, smiles and eye contact.
Are they in a comfortable sleep environment?
Providing a cool, quiet and calm sleep environment for your little one will reduce the likelihood of waking due to disturbances or feeling too hot or cold. Use our helpful guide on appropriate sleepwear in accordance to the room temperature to set yourself on the right track.
Do they have a calming wind-down routine?
An overstimulated baby is much harder to settle to sleep and stay asleep than a baby who has been appropriately primed for bedtime. Here is a sample bedtime ritual to help your little one get into a relaxed mood:
Pull the blinds & create dim lighting in the household.
Run a warm bath, complete with Riff Raff Hooded Towel & Bath Mitt.
Massage with a baby lotion & dress in comfortable pajamas.
Offer milk feed.
Dress in a cosy sleeping bag.
Read a Riff Raff Bedtime Book.
Turn on the Riff Raff Sleep Toy white noise and have final cuddles and kisses. We recommended using the new 12hr playback feature and attaching the sleep toy to the side of the cot or bassinet for safe sleeping and a consistent source of noise throughout the night.
Settle in the cot using your preferred settling technique.
In summary, false starts can be frustrating, but with a little patience and some fine-tuning of your baby’s routine, they’re often manageable. Remember, every baby is unique, so don’t be afraid to experiment with small adjustments to find what works best for your little one. Whether it’s tweaking wake windows, adjusting feeding times, or creating a calming bedtime ritual, these strategies can help you and your baby enjoy more peaceful nights. You’re doing an amazing job, and each step you take is a step closer to restful evenings for both you and your little one. Sweet dreams! 🌙
Find out how Riff Raff Sleep Toy’s are changing the sleep game for parents all around the world by reading our thousands of customer success stories.